Saturday, November 2, 2019

Minor Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minor Assignment #2 - Essay Example (Argumentum ad Misericordiam). Advertisement for American Express Credit Card. Ellen DeGeneres starts dancing as soon as she wakes up. Her moves take her from her bedroom, through a park, into an elevator, down the street and right to the studio where she tapes her show. All kinds of music inspire her groovin-even the bells from an ice-cream truck. "My life is about dancing to my own tune. My card always backs me up." (American Express. â€Å"Ellen†. 2004). Comic strip. First scene shows a woman and a man at a bar. Woman asks, â€Å" A RADIO TALK SHOW HOST? HOW INTERESTING? WHAT’S YOUR NAME AGAIN?† Man replies, â€Å"JOE PILEY†. Second scene shows woman checking on PDA and remarking, OK †¦ LET’S SEE HERE †¦ MM-HMM †¦ SINGLE FATHER RAISING TWO GIRLS †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Third scene shows woman vanishing. Fourth scene shows man asking the bartender â€Å" EVER THINK OF MAKING THIS A GOOGLE-FREE ZONE?† Bartender replies â€Å" ARE YOU KIDDING? LOOK AT ALL THE TIME AND AGGRAVATION IT JUST SAVED YOU†. (Miller, W., 2006). â€Å"After closely consulting with the United States, the multinational forces, Britain and Australia, I made the decision because I judged that the humanitarian mission has completed a certain achievement in the region," Koizumi, who steps down in September, told a news conference. (Hasegawa, K. 2006). â€Å"The OMB bulletin would require that peer reviewers be ‘independent of the agency’ involved when it comes to "significant regulatory information. ‘Experts receiving funding from the agency involved, who have performed multiple peer reviews for that agency in recent years or just one review on the same topic, would be eliminated as potential reviewers’†. (Philipkoski, K., 2004). Hasegawa, K. (2006). Japan ends milestone Iraq military mission. Retrieved June 20, 2006, from, YAHOO NEWS! Available at:

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